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Specialty cruises

Maine Windjammers offer cruises which cater to a variety of interests. Some offer knitting, painting, or photography workshops to inspire your inner artist. And there are cruises which participate in a day of racing or extra opportunities to see lighthouses up close. There are culinary cruises and music cruises, too! Think of these themed cruises as Windjamming “with a twist”!

Photography cruises

Here’s a chance to hone your photography skills – be it on a state of the art camera or your cell phone! Learn from one of Maine’s best photographers!

June 7th-11th
Schooner Heritage
Windjammer Gam with Fred LeBlanc$1,170 p.p
June 15th-21st
Windjammer Angelique
Nature and Photography with Alison Langleystarting at $1,549
June 19th-23rd
Schooner J. & E. RIggin
Scenic Maine Photography with Nick Parson$1,190 p.p
June 22nd-28th
Schooner Mary Day
Natural History and photography with Jim Dugan$1,471 p.p
Sept 7th-13th
Schooner American Eagle
WoodenBoat Rendezvous (Sail-in) with Sean & Tracy Sheppard$1,578 p.p

Music cruises

Music has long been a tradition at sea. From work shanties to ballads to boisterous sing-alongs, sailors have filled the salt air with melodies capturing life at sea. Our Windjammer captains and crew are a pretty musically-talented lot as well. Don’t be surprised if the crew breaks out instruments in the evening. (You’re welcome to bring your own, too!) Additionally, some of our boats offer specialty music cruises which feature guest musicians or a visit to a local music festival. Here’s a rundown of our 2025 music cruise offerings.

May 23rd-May 27th
Schooner J. & E. Riggin
Music & Dance w/the Gawler Family Band$1,225 p.p.
June 6th-11th
Schooner Stephen Taber
Windjammer Gam and music with the Charlie Nobles$1,318 p.p
June 6th-11th
Schooner Ladona
Windjammer Gam and music with the Charlie Nobles$1,978 p.p
June 9th-14th
Schooner American Eagle
Windjammer Gam w/ Reese Fulmer & Carriage House band$1,311 p.p
June 15th-21st
Schooner Grace Bailey
Sailing & Music with Timm Grimm and Friends$2,050 p.p
June 17th-June 21st
Schooner Stephen Taber
Music with Jenn Schott$1,218 p.p
July 6th-10th
Schooner American Eagle
Music with Darlin’ Corey$1,396 p.p
July 27th – Aug 2nd
Schooner J. & E. Riggin
Music & Storytelling with Geoff Kauffman$1,580 p.p.
Aug 3rd – 9th
Lewis R. French
Swan’s Island Music Festival$1,540 p.p
Aug 10th-16th
Schooner Grace Bailey
Music with Dennis Warner$2,095 p.p
Sept 1st-5th
Schooner Stephen Taber
Music with Chicky Stoltz & Ragged Co.$1,328 p.p
Oct 2nd – 5th
Schooner American Eagle
Music with Reese Fulmer – an encore!$998 p.p

Lighthouse cruises

Maine’s waters are home to over 60 lighthouses! You’ll see lighthouses no matter which trip you choose. However, on some trips extra effort will be made to sail close-up to these magnificent structures.

June 26th – 29th
Schooner Lewis R. French
Lighthouse cruise$995 p.p
Sept 22nd – 26th
Schooner Lewis R. French
Lighthouses cruise$1055 p.p
July 16th – 20th
Windjammer Angelique
Lighthouse cruise$1,350 p.p
July 27th – Aug 2nd
Schooner Mary Day
Lighthouse cruise$1,471 p.p

Racing cruises

Windjammer cruises offer a peaceful retreat from everyday life, but a day of schooner racing brings an exhilarating twist to the adventure!

Week ending July 5th
All vessels
Great Schooner Race!
July 21st – 26th
Windjammer Angelique
Camden Classics Regatta$1,525 p.p
July 22nd-26th
Schooner Grace Bailey
Camden Classics Regatta$1,580 p.p
July 31st – Aug 4th
Schooner Grace Bailey
Eggemoggin Reach Regatta$1,580 p.p
Aug 27th-Sept 4th
Schooner American Eagle
Gloucester Schooner Festival and race$2,506

Art & Wellness cruises

Hone your skills and release your inner artist!

Aug 3rd – 7th
Windjammer Angelique
Windjammers & Watercolorsstarting at $1,350 p.p
Aug 3rd – 8th
Schooner J. & E. Riggin
Maine Knitting Retreat$1,480 p.p
Aug 14th – 18th
Windjammer Angelique
Yoga & Wellness Cruise$1,450 p.p
Aug 31st-Sept 6th
Schooner J. & E. Riggin
Maine Knitting Retreat$1,465 p.p
Sept 14th – 18th
Schooner J. & E. Riggin
Rug Hooking Retreat$1,895 p.p

Culinary cruise & More!

May 31st – June 4th
Schooner Ladona
Cooking with Melody & Anna$1,778 p.p
June 22nd – 28th
Schooner Heritage
Murder Mystery Dinner$1,540 p.p
June 22nd – 26th
Schooner Stephen Taber
Culinary Explorations$1,218 p.p

Stay in the Know

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You can request a mailed or digital packet of brochures, or you can find individual ships’ brochures under each listing on the fleet page.

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