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2018 Gatherings of the Maine Windjammer Fleet

Races and Rendezvous

Gatherings of the fleet give media on assignment the opportunity to visit multiple boats and interview Maine Windjammer captains all in one place. Please contact our PR department at if you wish to take part in one of the races or windjammer rendezvous.

The Schooner Gam – Monday, June 11, 2018

Kick off the summer season with a windjammer gathering of the entire fleet! Relive the age of sail during this quiet rendezvous of more than a dozen 19th-century-style sailing ships. Location is determined by the weather of the day! Live music and festivities. Raft-Up!

Windjammer Days in Boothbay Harbor – Week of June 25, 2018

Participate in a grand sail parade on June 27th through picturesque Boothbay Harbor. Majestic windjammers come from up and down the coast to participate in this exciting early-season event. Shoreside activities include music and fireworks.

The Great Schooner Race – July 6, 2018

Maine’s tall ship fleet gathers for an exciting race from Islesboro to Rockland, followed by a festive Awards Ceremony/Party with live music. This year marks the 42nd anniversary of the Great Schooner Race, North America’s largest annual gathering of tall ships! Pre-Race festivities include fireworks and small boat races.

Maine Windjammer Parade – Friday, July 13, 2018 (2:00-4:00 pm)

The entire windjammer fleet participates in an afternoon Parade of Sail past the mile-long Rockland Breakwater, providing spectators with stunning, close-up views of Maine’s fleet of tall ships.

Music Festival – July 31, August 1 & 2, 2018

Several of the windjammers gather midweek for the Sweet Chariot Music Festival on Swans Island where more than a dozen groups perform traditional music of the sea.

Camden Windjammer Festival – Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 2018

The fleet gathers in picturesque Camden Harbor for festivities reminiscent of the days when hundreds of coastal schooners lined the waterfront. Festivities include a parade of sail, flag-raising ceremonies, live music, dancing and fireworks. Raft-Up!

WoodenBoat Sail-In – Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018

The fall gathering of the fleet takes place in Brooklin, Maine, headquarters of WoodenBoat Magazine and WoodenBoat School. Now in its 32nd year , the event includes refreshments, live music, tours and a harbor full of historic schooners.

For more information on the Maine Windjammer Association, and themed cruises, descriptions of the fleet, photos and videos, please visit You can also request a set of brochures or call 1-800-807-WIND (1-800-807-9463).

Category: Press Releases

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You can request a mailed or digital packet of brochures, or you can find individual ships’ brochures under each listing on the fleet page.

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